Somaliland: An Elderly Man Is Critically Ill In Hospital After Being Taken From His Cell At Hargeisa Police Station Where He Was Held Unjustly


An elderly man, named Omar Aduur Ileeye was taken to Hargeisa Hospital where his health is deteriorating as he is in coma and wearing life saving oxygen mask. Mr Omar Aduur Ileeye was kidnaped from his farm house in Udan, near Gogolwanaag, while Somaliland police forces stormed at his house and mercilessly thrown him into one of the police vehicles that gave a very rough ride for the old man. The causes of his illness are mostly related to the ways that police had treated him while in the hands of the police.
xamse jiidaliUnfortunately, another 18 elderly men were also arrested alongside with him. These head tribal leaders were arrested in relations to the incident of the two policemen who were shot dead near Arabsiyo region after they had a conflict with a group of armed men who were protecting a peice of land from another group who were well organised and using government forces to take over this land.
Since the police manhunt were on the process, families were threatened in that region, some reports say that an innocent woman was also slapped by well known police officer.
Tribal leaders from different regions of Somaliland had became more involved to calm the situation in a peaceful and traditional ways, where elderly men used to take over the situation and solve the problem specially when it comes to blood negotiations.
Unfortunately, those head elderly tribal delegates were completely rejected from being involved with the negotiation between the two parties by the group linked to government individualist.
Our government system is the best system among the most of African, Asian and even some European countries because of that we combined democracy to our tribal tradition ways of life, and this is the reason that Somaliland is a peaceful country.
By rejecting our traditional ways of solving problem methods through the tribal elderly is an interpretation of system violation that may open the doors for individuals to exercise their power by dismantling the respects of elderly at the same time. The promotion of this type of act may result the same ways that Somalia is suffering from since or even before the collapse of the central government.
As a sociologist, i’m warning against failure of our tradition system to begins from here at this issue without realising it.
I’m advising our government to review the case and create a loyal committee with loyal government bodies and also getting rid of those group of gangs who are already gave a bad name to our present government. Secondly, the release of those innocent elderly men would be very good advantage for the government in the long run or even in humanity as we are in the middle of the blessed month of Ramadan.
We are one nation called Somaliland who hosted peace to the world since Pharos’s persecution, times of Sahaba persecution through Zala, Somali-Ethiopian war, Yemen at this present time!
We can not lose that history by allowing a group of gangs to use the name of our government and rope land and trade it among themselves.

By Economist Hamse Arte


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