Hargeisa, Somaliland (Hubaal) A letter addressed to Somaliland government, the opposition party leaders and the parliament by the British government has leaked to the media and circulating on social media and online news websites.
The letter which is signed by the British ambassador to Ethiopia, Neil Wigan and Philip Evans, the head of the Democratisation Steering Committee (DSC), containing five bulleted points emphasized the need for Somaliland to maintain its democratic credentials by strictly following the next electoral process and honouring the timeline developed by the National Electoral Commission.
“The International community will consider any further politically motivated extension as unacceptable and would have an impact on our strong political and development relationship with Somaliland” was said in the letter reassuring the International stand on Somaliland’s democratisation process and the stamping out any rumoured two year extension term president Siilaanyo pushing for.
The two page letter is part of instantaneous communication between Somaliland and the DSC who are pressuring the Kulmiye government to avoid any politically motivated actions that may result in crisis that could lead Somaliland back to 2008/2009 when the previous government prolonged their term in office and elections delayed for two unnecessary years.
The letter also shows the growing concern for the international community how Somaliland’s democratisation process is hindered by the current government. There is also lack of political progress and Somalilanders are disconcerted of the country leadership and the direction the country is heading in the last five years. The letter however seems it represents and addresses the concerns the people of Somaliland have and appropriate on the timing.
At below you can view the scanned letter for more.