The government isn’t aware of the huge risk of unemployment rates that augment, and keep on augmenting more, and more. It’s understandable and really not an easy task but some measures could be put to combat unemployment. And one of the first things to do is to fight corruption that crippled the life of the citizens for so long and act more responsible by getting more aware to what unemployment can create. Unemployment triggers anger then revolts, and if concrete solutions aren’t put in place in time, that could lead to chaos. The greed of Somaliland officials careless could be felt already through the country, because people don’t ask so much from the government and they always understood their situation by knowing what it is like to not be recognise and the burden that imposes. But it has been twenty four years since and Somaliland grew bigger population wise and infra-structurally. People have been highly educated since then that, that really means much higher demands from their government. The government isn’t much aware in the situation it’s own people’s are. The government greed, corruption and nepotism put the country into a financial crises in which half of Somaliland population are struggling with their basic needs due to the high increases of commodities.
In an excellent World Bank study on the root causes of civil wars, it is argued that “Countries with low, stagnant, and unequally distributed per capita income that have remained dependent on primary commodities for their exports face dangerously high risks of prolonged conflict. In the absence of economic development neither good political institutions, nor ethnic and religious homogeneity, nor high military spending provide significant defenses against large-scale violence.
These factors should help us realize that unfavorable socioeconomic dynamics can degenerate into political violence and perpetuate a vicious cycle of radicalism, terrorism, and civil war. At the very least, such problems create an environment where radicalism and political violence find social acceptance.
The second point with regard to the link between socioeconomic de- privation and radicalism is the fact that terrorist organizations usually seek failing or failed states—which are often poor—in which to set up businesses. This is why failed states in Asia and Africa—such as Afghanistan, Sudan, Somalia, and Sierra Leone—easily turn into terrorist havens and are often engulfed in a vicious cycle of civil war, political violence, and radicalism.
The scale of youth frustration is compounded by a demographic explosion, growing expectations, weak governmental capacity, and diminished op- portunities in most parts of Somaliland and that pockets of poverty are fertile grounds for terrorist recruiters that we should be more aware and alert to Yemen refugees fleeing into Somaliland.