We appeal the UK government to immediate halt the support of RRU forces funded and trained by it and put them under surveillance and arms embargo


abdikariin musaThe RRU (Rapid Response Unit) are Special Forces trained and funded by the UK government, the aims of establishing this Special Forces is to act against any terrorism activities in Somaliland. They are highly equipped and well trained as well as providing with adequate financial support by the UK government. These forces are designed first to have special tasks that differ from the normal police tasks and semi-independent from any civilian related situations. Today the only forces that act in Somaliland as police forces are those who named RRU. Silanyos government had dominated these Special Forces and deviate their tasks to use them as it wishes. For that reason, we convey the UK government that silanyos government has committed unexpected power abuse by using RRU forces that are funded and trained by the UK government. The below mentioned events happened recently in Somaliland, this is how the government uses RRU forces.

1-   The coup and the occupation of the House of Representatives, imprisonment of Representatives, abusing them and stripping of their legal immunity.

2-   Illegal imprisonment of journalists, politicians and anyone who oppose against the poor policy of the government.

3-   Media blackout, panning the right of expression, freedom of speech and peaceful protest

4-     Killing and carnage unarmed civilians and terrorize the citizens instead of defending against terrorism

5-   Raiding houses at night and terrorize children and women sleeping in peace

We demonstrate our deep condemnation and denunciation of serious and frightening events in Somaliland and escalation of violence and destructive state of severe depletion of the structure of civil society and their compositions caused by the silanyos government. With the absence of circulating political solutions and the difficulty of decisiveness in the political conflict management and control, the serious state emerged as a true horror of the destruction and shredding units of social foundations. The possibility of transmission of these effects of tragedy toward devastating civil wars is seemed to be impending. For that reason we appeal to issuance of a binding UN resolution that includes an immediate halt the support of RRU army physically and financially and put them under surveillance and arms embargo.

We declare our condemnation of all practices of violence, killings, assassinations and forcibly arresting whatever the justification. We also appeal to the release of all political prisoners and journalists, and all who have been arrested unless they are committed a criminal charge, if so, they should be brought promptly to trial in which fair trial standards are available. Also, we call for the formation of a judicial of inquiry independent and impartial commission, fair and transparent, with the participation of representatives from human rights defender organizations to disclose those who are responsible for the deaths and injuries which require follow-up and prosecution of all perpetrators and bring them to the justice and held them accountable. This is the only solution that prevents Somaliland government form being on the verge of collapse because of its poor policies which could lead to a public outcry.

By : Abdihakim Muse   Ali


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